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Young Eregar was just knighted by the Order of The Tower. He now marches alongside his heroes to thwart an invasion by the neighboring empire. After a hunting foray gone wrong, one of the greatest champions of his Order takes him under his tutelage. 

But as they approach their objective, the weather itself turns against the knights. Rumors say the enemy commander wields the power of the Sun-God.

Will Eregar and his shield-brothers survive the wrath of the legendary general known as The Rose of the North?

Written by Luís Falcão de Magalhães as a new entry point into his “Legends of Elessia” Sword & Sorcery series, “The Rose and The Knight” is a classic Heroic Fantasy short-story anthology.

Follow the knight Eregar on his coming-of-age journey and fateful encounters with the supernatural beings of Elessia. Find out how the priest Lucius first discovered the grace of the Moon-Goddess after a brush with the creatures of the night. And witness Oskar Hoffritz, the Girmun artisan, as he attempts to defend the priestess Aurora from murder charges… In a tribunal of cats.

Download this full-featured, Heroic Fantasy short-story anthology now and stay in the loop for more, subscriber-exclusive Legends of Elessia materials, early access to new books in the series, members-only author Q&A, book giveaways, and much, much more.

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